Sounding Spirit

Project Curriculum Vitae

The Sounding Spirit Collaborative values and acknowledges the contributions of all project team members. This project curriculum vitae (CV) details Sounding Spirit funding sources and talks, presentations, publications, and workshops related to the project delivered by core team members, partners, and our editorial and advisory boards. The CV also includes the collaborative’s full teaching schedule.

This documentation takes inspiration from the Project CV of the Colored Conventions Project, an inspiring digital scholarly initiative that draws on the practices and principles of the Colored Convention Movement it studies.

Sounding Spirit Project Curriculum Vitae

National Grants

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article



Invited Talks

  • Karlsberg, Jesse P., Em Nordling, and Lucy Wallitsch. “Thematic Collections as Interoperable Research Data in the Sounding Spirit Digital Library.” Talk presented at the Digital Library of Georgia event Openness: Expanding Collections, Communities, and Reuse (virtual), April 2024.
  • Karlsberg, Jesse P. “Developing a Metadata Application Profile Supporting Interoperability, Research, and Data Harvesting for a Digital Library of Music Sources.” Talk presented at the American Library Association Core Virtual Interest Group Week Metadata Interest Group session (virtual), March 2024.
  • Doster, Meredith A. and Mark Simpson-Vos. “Heuristics of Relation: Sounding Spirit Scholarly Editions from the Southern Sacred Music Diaspora.” Talk presented at the Summit on Enhanced and Interactive Publications, Emory University, April 2021.
  • Karlsberg, Jesse P. “Overlays and Understories: OCR and Annotation in Sounding Spirit and Readux.” Talk presented at the Digital Humanities Colloquium, Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden [Saxon State and University Library Dresden], Dresden, Germany (virtual), October 2020.
  • Karlsberg, Jesse P. “Optical Character Recognition in Sounding Spirit,” Talk presented at the Mellon Workshop on OCR and Digital Text Production, University of Maryland, College Park, January 2020.

Conference Presentations

  • Karlsberg, Jesse P. “Collaboration and Resource Management in Interinstitutional Digital Thematic Collection Development,” Digital Humanities, Arlington, VA, 2024.
  • Karlsberg, Jesse P. “Indexing Hymnody: Comparative Analysis and Opportunities for Interoperability,” Music Encoding Conference, Denton, TX, 2024.
  • Karlsberg, Jesse P. and Erin Fulton. “People and Places in Southern Vernacular Sacred Music Publishing, 1850–1925,” Society for American Music, Detroit, MI, 2024.
  • Karlsberg, Jesse P. Supporting Research, Interoperability, and User Experience with the Metadata Application Profile for the Sounding Spirit Digital Library,” Southeast Chapter of the Music Library Association, Atlanta, GA, 2023.
  • Karlsberg, Jesse P. “‘Old Time Religion’ in the New South: Sacred Songbook Editors in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Atlanta,” Atlanta Studies Symposium, Atlanta, GA, 2023.
  • Hopkins, Sara Snyder. “Reviving the (Art of Singing in the) Cherokee Language: A Critical Edition of the Cherokee Singing Book.” Conference paper presented at New Directions in Indigenous Book History, virtual, 2023.
  • Karlsberg, Jesse P. “Competing for Common Ground: Genre and Format in J. S. James’s Sacred Tunes and Hymns (1913).” Conference paper presented at the Society for American Music, Minneapolis, MN, 2023.
  • Karlsberg, Jesse P. “Joseph Stephen James’s Interdenominational Imagination: Race, Place, Religion, and Modernity in Sacred Tunes and Hymns (1913).” Conference paper presented at the Society for Christian Scholarship in Music, Durham, NC, 2023.
  • Doster, Meredith A. and Esther Morgan-Ellis. “Authentic Learning with Sounding Spirit.” Pedagogy collaborative presented at Teaching Music History, Kansas City, MO, and virtual, 2022.
  • Karlsberg, Jesse P. “Sounding Spirit and Readux: Cultural Paratext and Augmented Facsimile in Digital Scholarly Editions.” Conference paper presented at the Association for Computers in the Humanities, Pittsburgh, PA, 2019.

Panels and Workshops

  • Panel discussion: Jesse P. Karlsberg (chair); Erin Fulton, Billy Smith, and Kimberly Hieb (panelists). “Research and Teaching with the Sounding Spirit Digital Library.” Society for American Music, Tacoma, WA, 2025 (accepted).
  • Sectional presentation: Jesse P. Karlsberg, Rylan André Harris, Sara Snyder Hopkins, and Garrett Scholberg (presenters). “Singing Vernacular Southern Hymnody through Sounding Spirit,” Hymn Society of the United States and Canada, Atlanta, GA, 2024.
  • Panel discussion: Meredith A. Doster (moderator); Jesse P. Karlsberg, James Abbington, and Sara Snyder Hopkins (panelists). “Editing Hymns and Race.” Hymns and Race: Agency, Mobility, Coloniality, Durham, UK (virtual), 2021.
  • Sectional presentation: Jesse P. Karlsberg and Meredith A. Doster (moderators); Jesse P. Karlsberg, Sara Snyder Hopkins, Sandra Jean Graham, and Kevin Kehrberg (presenters). “Sounding Spirit: Tunebooks and Sacred Songs from the US South.” Hymn Society of the United States and Canada, Atlanta, GA (virtual), 2020.
  • Workshop: Jesse P. Karlsberg, Meredith A. Doster, James Revell Carr, and Gregory Reish (workshop leaders). “Building Bridges, Sounding Spirits: Digitizing American Music.” Workshop presented at the Society for American Music, Minneapolis, MN (virtual), 2020.
  • Workshop: Jesse P. Karlsberg (panelist and workshop leader). “From Proposal to Score: A Workshop on Making and Using Critical Editions.” Society for American Music, New Orleans, LA, 2019.

Community Presentations

  • Invited presentation: Hopkins, Sara Snyder. “‘Where will I find a resting place for my soul here on earth?’: The Cherokee Singing Book as a Post-Removal Elegy to the Cherokee Homeland.” Talk presented at the Qualla Historical Society, Cherokee, NC, January, 2023.
  • Invited presentation: Karlsberg, Jesse P. “What Can Singers Today Learn from the Original Sacred Harp (1911).” Talk presented at the Minnesota Sacred Harp Singing Convention, Shakopee, MN (virtual), September 2020.


Spring 2023

  • Sounding Spirit Volume Summary Module: Meredith A. Doster (module instructor); Laura Pruett (course instructor). “Music and Spirituality,” lower level undergraduate course, Department of Music, Merrimack College, Spring 2023.
  • Sounding Spirit Volume Summary Module: Meredith A. Doster (module instructor); Reba Wissner (course instructor). “Writing About Music,” upper level undergraduate course, Public Musicology Certificate, Department of Music, Columbus State University, Spring 2023.
  • Sounding Spirit Volume Summary Module: Meredith A. Doster (module instructor); Kimberly Hieb (course instructor). “Music History Two” upper level undergraduate course, Department of Music, West Texas A&M University, Spring 2023.
  • Sounding Spirit Volume Summary Module: Jesse P. Karlsberg (module and course instructor). “Digital Musicology,” upper level undergraduate course, Department of Music, Emory University, Spring 2023.

Fall 2022

  • Sounding Spirit Volume Summary Module: Meredith A. Doster (module instructor); Trevor McKenzie (course instructor). Local Music Traditions, masters level course, Appalachian Studies, Appalachian State University, Fall 2022.

Spring 2022

  • Sounding Spirit Volume Summary Module: Meredith A. Doster (module instructor); Esther Morgan-Ellis (course instructor). “Religious Music,” upper level undergraduate course, Department of Music, University of North Georgia, Spring 2022.
  • Sounding Spirit OCR Correction Module: Em Nordling (module instructor); Jesse P. Karlsberg (course instructor). “Digital Musicology,” upper level undergraduate course, Department of Music, Emory University, Spring 2022.
  • Sounding Spirit Songbook Condition Assessment Module: Lucy Wallitsch (module instructor); Jesse P. Karlsberg (course instructor). “Digital Musicology,” upper level undergraduate course, Department of Music, Emory University, Spring 2022.
  • Sounding Spirit Volume Summary Module: Meredith A. Doster (module instructor); Jesse P. Karlsberg (course instructor). “Digital Musicology,” upper level undergraduate course, Department of Music, Emory University, Spring 2022.